Carlsbad Unified School District Tech Cabinet Minutes
December 5, 2012, 8-10 am
Conference Room A
Attendees: Bryan Brockett (VMS), Michael Ecker (AOMS), Rick Lewis (DO), Chad Lund (JES), Cesar Morales (SCHS), Maggie Stanchi (DO), Sharon St. Clair (DO), Richard Tubbs (HES)
- There was a quick discussion of the standing items. These should be updated before each meeting by all members of the committee. Sharon will email the link a week before the next meeting to remind everyone of this task.
- VMS would like more accounts for MyAccess, the online writing program in use at all middle schools.
- There was a request to add Common Core to the standing items - it is already listed.
- Much of the first hour was spent on Common Core. Maggie gave an update and it was decided that there will be a Common Core Committee formed to help guide future technology decisions to ensure we are prepared for Common Core.
- Typing instruction is an issue. Because the Common Core assessment requires students to have the ability to type, we must ensure our students are proficient at this skill. There are several free typing programs online and Hope Elementary uses Mavis Beacon (
- There are questions about our existing bandwidth. Several vendors are developing proposals and we should have improvements in July, 2013.
- Recently, Matt Taylor and Sharon St. Clair worked together to change wi-fi passwords for accounts CHS students were using to access the network with their personal devices. Staff should not share network passwords with kids to help avoid this in the future. Excessive use of personal devices is what is slowing our network down.
- The next Digital Learning Retreat will be on December 14th. Agenda:8:00 – 8:15 CUSD’s Digital Learning History Keith Holley
8:15 – 9:00 Advances in Digital Learning Greg Ottinger/Bill Robinson, SDCOE
9:00 – 9:30 Today’s Task – Is BYOD Good for CUSD? Sharon St. Clair
10:00 – 10:15 Break
10:15 – 11:15 BYOD Policy Reviews Sharon St. Clair
11:15 – 11:30 Group work summaries/Recommendation Sharon St. Clair
- Presentation by iSafe
- 12 year old company specializing in internet safety curriculum
- Standard subscription provides K-12 lessons covering the three e-rate subjets (cyberbullying, social networks, and appropriate online behaviors) with additional topics available with the Gold subscription.
- Upon subscription - every district user gets a log in and can download the lesson plans and curricular resouces (PowerPoints, videos, etc)
- CIPA reporting mandates each district teachers and tracks the completion of the curriculum. iSafe’s reporting feature facilitates this. Teachers certify they have completed the lessons and to how many students,
- Yearly subscriptions
- e-rate subscription = $1250 for all schools
- gold subscription = $2600
- We need to make a decision rather quickly. Sharon will share log in information with K-5 facilitators and ask them to review the material. If it is decided that English will teach the 6-12 curriculum, Sharon will share the log in information with the English department chairs and as them to review the content as well.
Link to subcommittee reports:
Link to standing agenda items update: