4/10/13 Tech Cabinet Minutes
Carlsbad Unified School District Technology Cabinet
District Office, Resource Training Room, 8:00 - 9:50 am
Bryan Brockett, Michael Ecker, Margie Giordani, Rick Lewis, Chad Lund,
Cesar Morales, Rob Nye, Sharon St. Clair, Richard Tubbs
- School Loop grading at elementary level - We will no longer be offering elementary teachers to choice to use the School Loop gradebook. This will help us save a significant amount of money annually. Instead, teachers are welcome to use the Aeries gradebook instead. This is a standards-based gradebook and parents will have access to their students’ grades via the parent portal.
- Middle School Counselors recommendation regarding Naviance - it is not needed. This committee agrees and recommends that the district no longer fund Naviance for 6-8 grade students. Naviance was very unresponsive to our request to charge for only 8th grade students. We will look into other programs, like Bridges, to supplement the interest inventory piece from Naviance.
- Report on any decision regarding an existing library media tech as the main administrator for Destiny - this is still up for discussion at the Cabinet level. The decision should be made soon.
- Tech Plan Subcommittee items - tabled until next meeting
- Review updated Year 1 Benchmarks
- School Loop goals revision? - Sharon will work with Rob to revise
- iSafe v. Jon Moffat
- K-5 will use iSafe. All teachers have been registered in iSafe and they have been notified of the procedures for accessing the lessons and certifying completion. Some K-5 principals have elected to hold assemblies and will do the certifying school wide, rather than have individual teachers do it.
- Secondary principals have iSafe accounts so they can certify the completion of the required instruction. That initial instruction will be in the form of a Cyber Education’s presentation by Jon Moffat. Make-ups can be done using the iSafe curriculum or by videotaping Jon’s presentation and showing it to the kids.
- Student Tech Standards assessments in DataDirector
- Grade 3 complete: 2012-2013 3rd Grade Tech Standards Assessment
- Grade 6 complete: 2012-2013 6th Grade Tech Standards Assessment
- Sharon met with Kelly Momeyer at AOM and shared the assessments. Kelly will share with her grade level and get back to Sharon. Sharon met with Caitlin Coulter from Hope who will be piloting the 3rd grade standards. Sharon requested that both AOM and Kelly get as far as they can with assessing the standards and then report their findings. Was the assessment easy to use? Were the skills appropriate?
- Revision of Social Media Guidelines
- Are there any necessary changes to these guidelines? Principals have seen it and it is recommended that it be put in PD Place (similar to AUA). Rob will take it to Rick Grove and Cabinet for final approval.
- Equity Subcommittee items
- Elementary Lab Aides
- Nick Covino - Hope, Poinsettia
- Patty Matteson - Kelly and Magnolia
- Sophia Garza - Jefferson and BV
- Laura Lewis - AOE and Pac Rim
- Monica Hills - CHE and CHM
- No decision has been made regarding districtwide BrainPop and Discovery Streaming accounts.
- Instruction and Engagement Subcommittee items - tabled
- New items
- From Michael Ecker - the purchase of hardware using grant or donation money. Are procedures in place for this?
- Create a checklist for sites to use when using foundation donations
- Needs Assessment at site level
- Take to Info Systems for approval/suggestions
- Create list of standards for peripherals/hardware/software/tablets
- From Michael Ecker - equity for access to Wifi
- From Chad Lund - Moodle for Teacher and Student use
- Laurel will look into it more to find out the costs and hosting specifications.
- Chromebooks demonstration by Ron Cordell from AOM
- Check on how School Messenger translator works - can it be edited after the fact?