2/6/14 Tech Cabinet Minutes
Carlsbad Unified School District Technology Cabinet
District Office, Conference Room, 8:00 - 10:00 am
Attendees: Margie Giordani, Kimberly Huesing, Rick Lewis, Sharon St. Clair, Maggie Stanchi, Richard Tubbs
Old Business
- Basic Classroom Configuration Standards - Update from the Master Facilities Planning Committee
- Who is on that committee?
- Sites should have representation of some sort (teachers or admin)
- What is the timeline for this update?
- Data Management Presentations recap
- EADMS/Measured Progress and Illuminate/Inspect
- Feb 19th
- Interested teachers for all day presentations
- Elementary - Shane Little (BV), Kimberly Guillen (AOE), Ellie Restivo (Poi)
- Middle - Sharon Rodak (AOM), Robert Allen (CHM), Dana Dre (VMS)
- High - Paul Isbell (CHS), Chris Bonta (CHS), Sage Creek?
- Other attendees - Lacy Metcalfe, Sharon St. Clair, ??
- The Parent Survey for School Loop has been approved. The Spanish translation must be completed before deployment.
- Kimberly will take a look at the Spanish
- Achieve 3000 pilot?
- Magnolia and Pac Rim have trainings 2/11 and 2/12
- Each site will submit the data file of student and teacher info
- Still unsure how updates to the data will take place
- VMS is the next school working on a pilot
- Could be a possibility to use NewsELA and Scholastic’s SRI instead. May be a less expensive altemative
Research the cost of SRI and possibly take to the expenditure committee - Richard
- SBAC roadshow update - any takers for an iPad pilot?
- Kelly and BV will pilot the testing on iPads - asking the expenditure committee to purchase the keyboards
- AOM will be using the Chromebooks
- Poinsettia have volunteered to pilot any SPED accommodations, if any are available
- Wireless authentication at sites - tabled until next meeting
- Issues at SCHS
- Guest access on chromebooks? Do we want to do this or require each student to authenticate? Still under discussion.
New Business
- Standards based report card availability in Aeries for elementary teachers
- Sharon will arrange a visit to Vista with Kimberly to see it in action
- GAFE - pilot group
- Roll out time table
- Interested staff - Sharon Rodak, Melody Flanagan, Erin Adams, Jeff Simon, Andy Rosen,
- Questions
- Issues with staff who have already created a google account using their existing district email address (Ruth Cartagena)
- Can staff use the Google Drive and not the email for now?
- Who should be on a committee to work on this?
- Compatibility issues with computer lab computers and networked printers (Aaron Nelson)
- The new OS of the computers doesn’t match the OS of the old printers, so they don’t work together
- Trying to find the drivers to fix the issue
- Toshiba is fine, so the temporary workaround is to print to those devices
- There should be a concentrated effort to get accurate parent emails into Aeries
- The best method would be to get the parent portal ready for registration/enrollment/secondary course selection
- MITI via SDCOE - converting to the combined fiscal/HR/payroll/purchasing
- Doesn’t include Aeries
- We’re in Phase 2, with implementation January, 2015
- Rick Grove, Nancy Navarro, and Rick Lewis
- February 10th, 1-4, introductory meeting
- Type to Learn
- Jan - initial upload date so new students needing accounts can be identified
- Reminder on how to create classes (screenshots) - send to teachers, principals and Lab aides
- Maggie Stanchi spoke at the district PTA meeting and parents are anxious about this
- Telepresence software - overview
- tabled to next meeting