3/7/13 Tech Cabinet Minutes
Carlsbad Unified School District Technology Cabinet Agenda
District Office, Conference Room A, 8:00 - 10:00 am
Attendees: Bryan Brockett, Michael Ecker, Rick Lewis, Rob Nye, Maggie Stanchi, Sharon St. Clair
- Review of Standing Items (see complete list here)
- Sharon will get Jason’s Serafin’s School Loop log in to show Rob how it can be used for standards based grading
- Sharon will follow up on Naviance for 8th grade only with Rob
- Directors will make a decision regarding using an existing library media tech as the main administrator for Destiny.
- Tech Plan Subcommittee items
- Review updated Year 1 Benchmarks
- School Loop goals revision? - Sharon will work with Rob to revise
- iSafe v. Jon Moffat
- K-5 will use iSafe.
- 6-12 have been given the option of paying for Jon Moffat assemblies or using iSafe. They would have to pay out of site funds.
- We should have iSafe up and running in the next two weeks. All teachers and administrators will have accounts.
- Student Tech Standards assessments in DataDirector
- Grade 3 complete: 2012-2013 3rd Grade Tech Standards Assessment
- Grade 6 complete: 2012-2013 6th Grade Tech Standards Assessment
- Sharon will meet with Kelly Momeyer and Shelley Thomas to develop a pilot for these assessments.
- Revision of Social Media Guidelines
- Will be added to the principals agenda for revisions.
- Sharon will share the document with Rob first.
- Equity Subcommittee items
- Elementary Lab Aides - has there been any changes? What would the Tech Cabinet recommend?
- This is currently in Directors and will be brought to the principals meeting. Current discussion changing lab techs to K-12 rather than just K-5 in preparation for Smarter Balance tests.
- BrainPop
- Logins from October - February
- AOM - 101
- CHM - 112
- VMS - 157
- Pac Rim - 219
- Magnolia (4 classroom subscriptions) - 20
- Hope (1 classroom subscription) - 0
- Poinsettia - brand new subscription
- All three middle schools, Pac Rim, and Poinsettia will continue their accounts for the 2013-2014 school year and will be on the same PO to save 10%. Hope is considering changing their one classroom subscription if there is additional savings available with the district PO. Jefferson says they have an account, but BrainPop does not have it linked to Carlsbad Unified. Not sure what their intentions are. Same for Magnolia.
- Packages
- BrainPop in school use only = $1095
- BrainPop, BrainPop Jr. BrainPop Espanol = $2095
- Classroom only = $205
- 5-9 schools = 10% discount
- 10-14 schools = 15% discount
- Discovery Streaming
- Logins between August 28 - February 7
- AOM - 143
- CHE - 105
- Hope - 168
- Valley - 121
- Packages
- $1570 - base package: ELA and Math
- $2570 - plus package: double the content and Common Core
- High school is $2095 or $3095 respectively
- 10+ schools = 10% discount for a one-year subscription
- 10+ schools = 15% discount for a two-year subscription
- Instruction and Engagement Subcommittee items
- How to engage possibly destructive kids to use their powers for good rather than evil?
- New items
- Rick Lewis shared that we are looking into moving towards Google Chromebooks and Hapara for teachers http://hapara.com/, but more discussion on this is needed.
- Parents want more voice in tech purchases because they fundraise. They want to be heard. Rob and Rick are willing to visit schools and meet with the parent groups, if requested. This information will go to the principals to share with their sites.