12/5/13 Tech Cabinet Minutes
Carlsbad Unified School District Technology Cabinet
District Office, Conference Room, 8:00 - 9:00 am
Attendees: Bryan Brockett, Margie Giordani, Rick Lewis, Aaron Nelson, Sharon St. Clair, Maggie Stanchi, Richard Tubbs
Old Business
- GAFE - the first training for AOMS teachers (about 14 have volunteered to participate in the pilot) will be December 9, at 2:30. Sharon has not heard back from Sage Creek or Jefferson regarding their interest in attending. A follow up training will be on December 16. It has yet to be determined if additional trainings will be necessary after the winter break.
- The Parent Survey for School Loop was brought up at the TAC meeting, but it has not yet been started.
- Speak Up Survey has had dismal participation thus far. Principals are encouraged to relate the importance of the information gleaned from this survey with their school communities to get parent participation. Students should also take the survey, perhaps during computer lab time.
- New district survey should be launched at any time now.
- Chromebooks - one will be purchased for Sharon St. Clair and Matt Taylor to assist with training needs and troubleshooting issues.
- Aeries Parent Portal - yes, middle schools can use it for course selection this year. Elementary parents would be able to access it at any time, once their usernames and passwords are provided to them. There needs to be a discussion on how to roll this out. A decision also needs to be made regarding the standards based report card available to elementary teachers. Sharon has been playing with the gradebook, so she can answer any questions that may arise.
New Business
- Basic Classroom Configuration Standards - a minimum standard should be set in regards to what equipment a teacher should have at his/her disposal in any classroom in the district. The general consensus was that a teacher should have:
- Teacher computer (less than 5 years old)
- Projection system with working projectors
- Document camera
Further discussion regarding the necessity of smartboards should occur.
- There is some concern regarding what a computer lab - instructional assistants’ permissions for accessing the servers should be. Matt Taylor shared that the instructional assistants and the computer techs should work together to develop the profiles for the computers at each site. Once done, the computer techs can give the instructional assistants permissions to the folders that contain those profiles.
- Subcommittee to look at SPMS, Measured Progress, and Amplify as Smarter Balanced assessment solutions
- Sharon will work to schedule it on January 22, from 8-11:30. The entire Tech Cabinet will be invited to attend.