Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

iRead - Escondido's list of recommended iOS apps

Click here to see what Escondido already has listed.

CUSD iOS App Form

Use this form to add to the iOS App database.

CUSD iOS Apps Database

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tech Committee Minutes 11/1/11

Please click here to access the minutes.

Monday, October 31, 2011

2011-2012 Tech Committee Agenda 11-1-11

Click here to access the agenda for this committee meeting.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Technology Training for CUSD Adminstrators

Click here to view the agenda.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

CUSD Tech Committee Minutes - May 24, 2011

Click here to view the minutes from the last meeting of the year.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tech Cabinet Agenda: May 2011

Click here for the agenda.  Thanks.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4-26-11 Tech Committee Minutes

Click here to see the minutes.

Other items to note: The Pros and Cons of Social Media Google Doc was not properly shared. Anyone could view it, but not edit it. That has now been fixed. So, please take some time to add to that document, as well as the Use of Student Owned Handhelds in the Classroom so it is populated before the next meeting. Sorry for the confusion - it was a lesson well learned, for me at least.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tech Cabinet Agenda: April 2011

  1. Purpose (Devin)
  2. Plan for 2010-2011
  3. Tech Plan Goals
  4. Monthly Reports
    1. Curriculum/Tech Committee
      1. Data Director
      2. Multimedia Integration
      3. Standards-Based Software
      4. Student Technology Standards
      5. School Loop
      6. Naviance
      7. Destiny
    2. Infrastructure
      1. Project Calendar
      2. Wireless
    3. Tech Support
    4. Fiscal/HR
      1. FIS
      2. Digital Schools
  5. Ongoing
    1. Prop P Update
    2. Communication
      1. Mobile
      2. Web Outlook
      3. Email
      4. Public Folders
      5. Calendars
    3. Aeries/ABI
    4. Blackboard Connect
      1. Admin SMS
  6. Exemplary Technology Use
  7. New Software/Hardware Purchase Process
  8. Hot Topics
    1. AUPs: Drafts
    2. Distance Learning Update
    3. Social Media Update
      1. Site Pages?
      2. Policy?
    4. Apple Developments
      1. VPP Meeting
      2. Summer Leadership Retreat: August 2-3
    5. Lead 3.0 Insights
      1. Yong Zhao
      2. iPad resources
      3. Directory of Learning Tools
      4. Show Me
      5. Topic Marks

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2010 - 2011 Technology Committee


  1. Welcome, Introductions, and Favorite Tech Tidbit
  2. Group Norms
  3. Updates
    1. Data and Technology TOSA
    2. EETT Round 9 Grant
      i. Project description
      ii. Results of application
    1. Software programs
      i. DataDirector
      ii. School Loop
      iii. Naviance
  1. New Business
    1. Student Technology Standards
    2. School Loop for K-5
    3. Tech Plan
    4. Use of data to improve instruction
      i. Student goals
    1. Staff development
      i. School Loop
      ü Teacher webpages
  1. Formation of Subcommittees
    1. Tech plan
    2. Student goals
    3. Staff development
    4. Student Technology Standards
  2. Summary of Tasks to Complete Before Next Meeting:
    1. Subcommittees to meet
      i. Share results with Sharon via email by Thursday, April 21st to be consolidated for the next meeting
  1. Other

Next meeting: April 26nd, 12-3, Resource Training Room

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tech Cabinet: March 3, 2011

Click here for the agenda. Thanks.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

CUSD Social Media Strategy

Tech Cabinet: January

  1. Purpose (Devin)
  2. Plan for 2010-2011
  3. Tech Plan Goals
    1. Data & Tech TOSA
  4. Subfinder Update
  5. Monthly Reports
    1. Curriculum
      1. Data Director
      2. Multimedia Integration
      3. Standards-Based Software
      4. Student Technology Standards
      5. School Loop
      6. Naviance
      7. Destiny
  6. Infrastructure
    1. Project Calendar
    2. Wireless
  7. Tech Support
  8. Fiscal/HR
    1. FIS
    2. Digital Schools
  9. Ongoing
    1. Prop P Update
  10. Communication
    1. Mobile
    2. Web Outlook
      1. Email
      2. Public Folders
      3. Calendars
  11. Aeries/ABI
  12. Blackboard Connect
  13. Exemplary Technology Use
  14. New Software/Hardware Purchase Process
  15. Hot Topics
    1. Distance Learning Update
    2. CLRN Update
    3. Social Media Strategy
    4. Texting and Twittering
    5. EETT C Grant
    6. Lead 3.0
    7. Principal Meeting Trainings
      1. Disruptive Innovation
      2. Sports Illustrated Video
    8. Apple Developments
      1. Buena Vista
      2. Summer Leadership Retreat?