Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12/5/12 Tech Cabinet Minutes

Carlsbad Unified School District Tech Cabinet Minutes
December 5, 2012,  8-10 am
Conference Room A

Attendees: Bryan Brockett (VMS), Michael Ecker (AOMS), Rick Lewis (DO), Chad Lund (JES), Cesar Morales (SCHS), Maggie Stanchi (DO), Sharon St. Clair (DO), Richard Tubbs (HES)

  • There was a quick discussion of the standing items.  These should be updated before each meeting by all members of the committee.  Sharon will email the link a week before the next meeting to remind everyone of this task.
    • VMS would like more accounts for MyAccess, the online writing program in use at all middle schools.
  • There was a request to add Common Core to the standing items - it is already listed.
  • Much of the first hour was spent on Common Core. Maggie gave an update and it was decided that there will be a Common Core Committee formed to help guide future technology decisions to ensure we are prepared for Common Core.
  • There are questions about our existing bandwidth.  Several vendors are developing proposals and we should have improvements in July, 2013.
  • Recently, Matt Taylor and Sharon St. Clair worked together to change wi-fi passwords for accounts CHS students were using to access the network with their personal devices.  Staff should not share network passwords with kids to help avoid this in the future. Excessive use of personal devices is what is slowing our network down.
  • The next Digital Learning Retreat will be on December 14th.  Agenda:8:00 – 8:15        CUSD’s Digital Learning History                   Keith Holley
8:15 – 9:00        Advances in Digital Learning                         Greg Ottinger/Bill Robinson, SDCOE
9:00 – 9:30        Today’s Task – Is BYOD Good for CUSD?   Sharon St. Clair
9:30 – 10:00      Thesys Presentation                                        Tony Rivera, Thesys International
10:00 – 10:15    Break
10:15 – 11:15     BYOD Policy Reviews                                     Sharon St. Clair
11:15 – 11:30     Group work summaries/Recommendation    Sharon St. Clair

  • Presentation by iSafe
    • 12 year old company specializing in internet safety curriculum
    • Standard subscription provides K-12 lessons covering the three e-rate subjets (cyberbullying, social networks, and appropriate online behaviors) with additional topics available with the Gold subscription.
    • Upon subscription - every district user gets a log in and can download the lesson plans and curricular resouces (PowerPoints, videos, etc)
    • CIPA reporting mandates each district teachers and tracks the completion of the curriculum.  iSafe’s reporting feature facilitates this. Teachers certify they have completed the lessons and to how many students,
    • Yearly subscriptions
      • e-rate subscription = $1250 for all schools
      • gold subscription = $2600
    • We need to make  a decision rather quickly.  Sharon will share log in information with K-5 facilitators and ask them to review the material. If it is decided that English will teach the 6-12 curriculum, Sharon will share the log in information with the English department chairs and as them to review the content as well.

Link to subcommittee reports: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZG_YlF2t9A5YenACK9y0iVel6M_9hi7ckq17ItIQL4k/edit
Link to standing agenda items update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GlULXxZPHCM8rjPnqAFRjBg8y8H0e_eO3NC63C2Pxgs/edit 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

11/1/12 Tech Cabinet Standing Items/Subcommittee Reports

Standing Items
November 1, 2012
  1. Data Director - there were some issues with CST data reports. Those have since be resolved.  Any issues should be reported to Sharon St. Clair immediately.  Various grade levels/department areas are completing their beginning of the year benchmarks and getting the data into the system.  Sharon St. Clair held an administrator training for DataDirector - only four attended.  Additional trainings can be scheduled if a need is determined.
  2. Multimedia Integration - 
  3. Standards-Based Software -
  4. School Loop - The use of School Loop for grades and homework is one of the goals of the 2012-2017 Carlsbad Unified School District Tech Plan.  How can the Tech Cabinet facilitate this?
    1. Objective 3i.1.1: 100% of teachers will update their webpages at least weekly. (pp. 25-26)
    2. Objective 3i.1.4: 100% of secondary teachers will post grades in School Loop weekly. (pp. 27-28)
    3. Objective 3j.1.1: By June 2013, 100% of teachers and administrators will be accessible to parents, students, and community members through School Loop Loopmail. (p. 28)
    4. Objective 3j.1.2: By June 2015, 100% of teachers will post homework on School Loop. (pp. 28-29)
  5. Naviance - On October 29, there was a training for CUSD counselors to help them build a high school program. They will meet again to continue their work on creating a school-wide culture around the program.  Someone at the high school level must learn from Roger Brown as he will move to Sage Creek next year.
  6. Destiny -
  7. Infrastructure Items - From Richard Tubbs and Hope Elementary: My teacher who uses Jumi Mouse can no longer use it because her wireless connection isn't strong enough to be reliable since she changed rooms.  Prop P funds placed the AP units in areas they thought would cover classrooms, but when actually tested, their placement has not proven to be effective enough for teachers to use.  There is probably no remedy to fix this problem as a site would probably have to cover the cost of another AP unit.

  8. Fiscal and HR Items -
  9. Prop P Update (Sage Creek HS) -
  10. Communication Items - Some teachers have received requests from parents to turn off the daily email from School Loop. The main reason is that the teachers aren't posting homework/grades on School Loop daily, so the email is exactly the same for days at a time. Sharon St. Clair created a document explaining how parents can change their preferences to no longer receive the daily email and shared it with all teachers.  They can distribute it to parents at their discretion.
  11. Aeries/ABI Items -
  12. School Messenger Items -
  13. New Software/Hardware Purchase Process -
  14. Common Core Exam Items - Kelly Elementary 4th grade took part in the Smarter Balanced small scale trial on 10/31 and 11/2.  Students took either the math or language arts sections.  Things noticed:  1) There is a lot of typing required. For students to be successful on this assessment, they have to learn to keyboard correctly.  Hunt and peck will not work.  2) It was very easy to administer. 3) The ELA performance tasks were overwhelming - kids has to review four different sources of information and analyze them before answering the prompt.  Many had a very difficult time with this part of the test.  Instructional focus requires big shift.
  15. Exemplary Technology Use Items - 

Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
October 2012

Tech Plan Subcommittee - Michael Ecker, Rick Lewis, Chad Lund, Sharon St. Clair (10/22/12, 1-2 pm)
Review of 2012-2017 Tech Plan for Action Items by the Tech Cabinet

  • Internet safety curriculum - purchase or develop?
    • We decided to purchase at this point due to the costs of developing our own program
    • iSafe will be at the next Tech Cabinet meeting from 9:30 - 10:00 to give an overview of their product, services, and costs
  • Student Technology Standards implementation
    • How will we get these standards into the curriculum and assess them?
    • Discussion at next Tech Cabinet meeting
  • Digital Learning
    • Sharon will set up the first 2012-2013 Digital Learning Retreat
      • Half day instead of full day
      • Attempt to have monthly meetings
      • No money for teacher release, so Sharon will be the teacher rep
      • CUTA can send a rep at their cost
      • Thesys International will present their services at the first meeting
  • Social Media
    • Guidelines were written last year and are posted on the CUSD website
    • Sharon will determine what types of social media the schools/teachers are using to communicate with students, parents and the community
    • Sharon will create a “road show” with Keith Holley to educate staff on acceptable uses of social media for professional communications
  • 2012-2017 Tech Plan action items
    • The scope of the tech plan is very wide and many across the district have responsibilities towards the successful implementation of the plan
    • Sharon will create a condensed version of the tech plan that covers the action items for 2012 and share it with all responsible parties

Equity Subcommittee - Margie Giordani, Sharon St. Clair, Richard Tubbs (10/23/12, 9-10 am)

  • Staff across the district need to understand there is no district technology fund.  Technology is a site-based decision using site funds.  Those schools that seemingly have more technology have chosen to use site funds to purchase it, while schools with “less” have chosen to spend their funds on other priorities.
  • Richard shared how he uses site, PTA, and Friends of Hope foundation funds to ensure teachers receive a new computer every six years, at the least. He will share his strategies with other principals.
  • The point was raised that schools could purchase new computers without all the peripherals, like monitors, keyboards, mice, and speakers, saving a lot of money.
  • The Tech Cabinet should look into less expensive options for the district standard for computer purchases. In addition, learning how technology donations can be solicited and maximized should be discussed.
  • Some iPad apps were discussed as solutions to getting teachers moving around the classroom while teaching
  • SMART Technologies has SMART Notebook Exchange, which allows teachers to share their lessons and SMART Notebook Express which allows users (sign up is free) to create and modify notebook lessons without requiring the purchase of the Notebook software.  
  • Some concern from left-handed teachers using doc cams was noted.  Myles Mayfield from Hope is left-handed and has little issues.  It was suggested that teachers with problems contact him for support.
  • Action Items
    • Sharon will share SMART Notebook Exchange and Express via Tech Tidbits
    • Margie will play with the iPad 1 and iPad 2 and Notebook Express using the app Jumi Mouse.
    • Richard will work with his teachers to determine if Reflections or Jumi Mouse works best with Notebooks software

Instruction and Engagement Subcommittee - Bryan Brockett Margie Giordani, Sharon St. Clair, Richard Tubbs (10/23/12, 10-11 am)
Two major discussion points

  • Use of social media
  • Developing a culture of technology integration into the curriculum and instruction
    • Key questions
      • Is it more effective or efficient - not just substituting the document camera for the white board.
      • How do we start a culture around student achievement and collaboration at each site?
      • Do we require the sharing from conferences/new tech purchases at district level, staff, grade level, department area meetings?
      • Who could be the tech ambassadors at each site?
      • Most sites don't have active tech committee anymore. How can this be remedied?
      • What would be worthwhile for us to spend time on in a staff meeting?
    • Suggestions
      • At every meeting teachers have, technology should be discussed.
      • Identify teacher professional development needs. Sharon has a survey that sites can use to assess this area.
      • Similar to Monday tech tip at AOMS by Ashley Crawford - Who can be identified at each site to promote & facilitate a weekly news tip to staff? Let's get everyone to share, not just the tech ambassadors.
      • Use Sharon as a PD tool & a resource.  She is not used as much at school sites as she would like to be.
      • Sharon will do a culture of technology article in Tech Tidbits.
      • Request that Maggie add Technology to the agenda of all K-5 and 6-12 principals meeting to bring talking points to the table.
      • Principals contribute suggestions - examples:
        • Tubbs’s Tech Time
        • Tom’s Tech Tips


Friday, October 26, 2012

10/4/12 Tech Cabinet Minutes

The meeting opened with a discussion about the purpose and direction for Tech Cabinet. General consensus was this group should guide the District in determining the best use of technology and in directing hardware and software adoptions. It was agreed that instruction first dictated the use and type of technology to be adopted.

Items on the original agenda were discussed and it was decided we should focus on three goals this year. Tech cabinet should focus on meeting the targets of the technology plan laid out for the 2012-13 school year. Michael Ecker, Chad Lund and Rick Lewis were assigned to a subcommittee to review the plan and see what we need to do to meet our goal. Equity and equity issues would be explored by Margie Giordani, Sharon St. Clair and Richard Tubbs. Bryan Brockett, Cesar Morales, Maggie Stanchi and Margie Giordani were selected as members of the Instruction and Engagement subcommittee. The subcommittees will send me a brief summary of their meetings as part of next month’s agenda for further discussion.

Additionally, ad hoc and items of interest will be submitted to Rick Lewis prior to the next Tech Cabinet meeting.  He will create an agenda and distribute it before the next meeting.

Keith Holley presented information on PD Place. PD Place is a web hosted software package for tracking professional development. It would be a tool to track who has been trained in emergency response actions or used as a risk management tracking method. It might be used by principals to organize when to give evaluations to teachers. However, it was felt that we need to understand more fully how the program actually works before the cabinet can recommend tracking evaluations. Sharon St Clair will report back her findings.
During the last half hour, Ted and Steve from Apple presented information on leasing options for Apple devices. Their presentation was followed with a question and answer session on BYOD programs, Apple TV, the use of Airplay, potential bandwidth issues and class managements specifically using mobile device management (MDM) tools.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 1, 2012, in Conference Room A from 8:00 to 10:00 AM.

Tentative Agenda for Technology Cabinet on November 1, 2012

1.    Welcome
2.    Subcommittees Reports on Goals
a.    Equity and Equity Issues
b.    Instruction and Engagement
c.    Technology Plan Actions for 2012-13
3.    Other Submitted Items
4.    Standing List
a.    Data Director
b.    Multimedia Integration
c.    Standards-Based Software
d.    School Loop
e.    Naviance
f.     Destiny
g.    Infrastructure Items
h.    Fiscal and HR Items
i.      Prop P Update (Sage Creek HS)
j.      Communication Items
k.    Aeries/ABI Items
l.       School Messenger Items
m.   New Software/Hardware Purchase Process
n.    Common Core Exam Items
o.    Exemplary Technology Use Items

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5/2/12 Tech Committee Minutes

Click here to view the minutes from the 5/2/12 Tech Committee Meeting.

Monday, April 30, 2012

5/1/12 Tech Committee Agenda

Click here to access the agenda.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2/28/12 Technology Committee Agenda/Minutes

Click here to see the agenda.
Click here to see the minutes.

Sunday, February 5, 2012