Tuesday, August 4, 2009

CUSD Tech Plan Goals 2009-2010


  • 75% of students will score proficient or above in ELA and Math on the CST
  • 70% of students will use standards-based software.
  • 70% of teachers will plan lessons that require technology skills and assess their students and their ability to perform those skills.
  • 95% of all teachers will administer standards-based assessments.
  • Attain 4-1 ratio of students to computers at every school.
  • 70% of students will demonstrate technology literacy skills at their grade level.
  • 90% of all teachers will use Data Director to access and record data.
  • District, school, and teacher e-mail established. 40% of teachers post information on class web sites, i.e. homework and activities.

Professional Development

  • 50% of Teachers and Administrators will use multimedia presentation to integrate internet resources and standards based software.
  • 95% of teachers and administrators will have been trained and will use data reports from the data management system to modify instruction.
  • 90% of teachers will incorporate homework assignments on classroom web pages
  • 100% of teachers will use PDExpress.


  • Install wireless technology implementation.
  • Provide Internet filtering throughout the WAN.
  • Install and maintain acquired hardware and software.
  • Each site will report technology problems by e-mailing or completing a support request form for the Director of Information Systems.
  • Review and modify (if needed) procedures previously implemented. Assess the need for additional personnel to provide support for data management system.
  • Conduct yearly reviews to ensure adequate bandwith and new product requirements are met.